Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Week 6

Personal digital assistants (PDA) are small computers that fit in your hand. PDA’s can store numbers, email address, access the internet, keep dates and so on. I have seen PDA’s used in classrooms and planetariums; it was very interesting to see the range of these small computers. I was amazed in the planetarium; my teacher was accessing everything for the show right in front of us. There was a delay issue but still very effective. I would use the PDA in the classroom if I was doing different PowerPoint’s or videos. PDA’s allow you to wonder around the classroom and monitor your students while teaching in an effective manner.

We use online surveys to collect data on a subject or area. I have taken many surveys for my friends in master programs. They are pretty fun and interesting. I think surveys would be good in the classroom. I think I would use the surveys after I do a lab. Some students may not like the lab that I have chosen for that week, learning should benefit both the teacher, and the student and these surveys can help. I think the best 2 rules to follow is not to be bias and avoid long questions. If I were giving these surveys to the students, they wouldn’t want to finish it if it was too long.

            This technology in the classroom is a great way to show the students that the teacher know about the up and coming gadgets and online activities. I can see myself using these tools all the time. Students today have a hard time paying attention to what is going on around them. PDA’s and Online Surveys are ways of finding out what they are interested in and keeping up with ever changing technology.

Jonassen, D. Howland, J. Marra, R. M. Crismond, D. (2008). Maeningful Learning With Technology. Upper Saddle River, NJ. Merrill Prentice Hill.


  1. I agree with you that keeping up to date with technology can help you stay connected to your students. If they feel you are old and out of touch, they will be less likely to pay attention to what you are saying in class.

  2. Hi Keely you made a very a very good point about being able to store large amounts of information in the palm of your hand. This is much more efficient than taking notes. I also agree with surveys being helpful especially hen you can add additional comments. I agree that technology is on the rise. Good posting.

  3. I agree about being all the information you can store with a PDA. I think they are very useful as well. Staying up to date with technology is also very crucial.

  4. Your information is really interesting and i do agree with you except for the PDA's using them. I think it is to much of a discration.

  5. I agree with you when you say that the PDAs are a good way to display information in the classroom, but I also think that they are a big distraction for the teacher because they are paying more attention to what they are doing on the computer instead of the students at hand.
